In Marge's Pantry
To answer the question about what we're eating (aside from roadkill), uh, mainly sandwiches and snack food in the middle of the day. I wasn't lying about junk food from WFM. One whole cabinet is filled with various chips and crackers, and cookies (the latter of which I never buy when home). The other cabinet is all the instant mix stuff I never had any reason to try from WFM. So far, it's just as gross as any instant mix stuff. I was convinced after just one meal of chicken stew from a pouch over rice pilaf from a pouch that there is no reason to eat like that, even if it doesn't contain MSG and the chicken is free range. I do like the instant iced green tea, though. Instant cappuccino is not so great, but adding WFM caramel sauce helps. Harve brought his presspot, so he starts his day with the same good decaf Sumatra coffee and half-and-half he always drinks. I have yogurt and granola or a microwaved flippin' quesadilla. This morning my quesadilla was graced with a sliced fresh tomato and jalapeno from the KOA folks' to guests. Cool, huh? Harve is right, I made Beef Jerkinoff last night by rehydrating organic beef jerky and dried mushrooms and instant brown gravy mix among other ingredients. Not too too shabby and the jerky actually worked nicely. I have other flavors stocked away to make stirfry. I brought the rice steamer and stocked the little freezer with frozen veggies and burgers. Fridge has packages of sausage and smoked fish and cheese...stuff with long shelf life. Anyway, I really didn't want to write about food...that's work for me! Driving several hundred miles today through field after mega-field of corn and soybeans didn't help, either. Good thing we brought all that food because if we were living off the land, Harve would be out of luck. "Animal fodder," he says. Then on the radio some station was going on about King Turkey Day about which I found a verbose history and a surprising connection to Texas at: Even if you don't read it all, you gotta love the Worthington city motto: You'll come to love us.
This is Judy, just givin' the comment thing a whirl! I've loved seeing the upper MW stuff since that is where I grew up. You should have passed some polka fests. Anyway, we are tracking your progress and loving the blog.
here it is sunday morning and not a word about the big day on must have been exciting to have completly done you in....
you know there are a couple dozen health food stores along the way.....damn foodies
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