Thursday, September 07, 2006

Jackson - Land of 10,000 Lakes

Greetings good friends -
Today was a nice easy day; we got up and left our Kampground without much haste, but still early. Since we crossed timezones yesterday, the hour on the clock and the hour in my head are still not aligned.

The wonderful thing about using KOAs this week is that they are virtually cleared out, no one is crowded in, and we've had great luck leaving the dogs off leash and even being able to run them around without hassling anyone - super nice. They love to run and it's beautiful to witness.

Same deal on the roads, it's a great week to be traveling the upper MW. The roads have been really open, and there haven't been any hassles. Looking back, I can see why folks from the main cities of MI and WI would love going north - there's just no one around in certain areas, and that's rare where we live!

Disgusting Gas Stats to follow, look away if you are timid:
314 miles
36.453 gallons
8.61 mpg!
Our best yet, we're hoping to see the trend stick, but today was flatlands and huge wind (saw a few windpower generators) - the kind of wind that made Marge's arms and foot tired, fighting it. We predict a huge screw in mpgs next fill-up.

We broke our 1,000 mile mark today, and are in our 3rd state; our first real destination was Rapid City, SD, and we are one day's easy drive from there. So, tonight, we bagged it early, headed for a place with a heated pool (although Marge tells me that made it an aquaculture nightmare and she isn't getting in), mini-golf, and a place where we can set up the chairs, mix a few cocktails, and chill out tonight.

Not much in road news today - I did have this weird map discovery. I call it The Three Menomonees of Wisconsin... in the west, by Eau Claire, is Menononie; in the east, by Marinette, is Menominee; in the south, by Milwaukee, is Menomonee. Anyone who can tell me what this name means gets a big trip-bought prize the next time I see her or him...


Best track for me today - Roadhouse Blues, The Doors.
Best moment, Marge saying that she learned to drive an RV from watching "Dean Koontz's Intensity".
Best business (okay, it's really from yesterday) FIRE UP! Fireworks and Smokeshop with huge 25-feet-tall sparklers made out of aluminum and lightbulbs out front.


Anonymous said...

I looked it up.

The Menominee, an Algonkian-speaking people, are the only present-day tribe in Wisconsin whose origin story indicates they have always lived in Wisconsin. The Menominee refer to themselves as Mamaceqtaw (pronounced ma-ma-chay-tau), meaning "the people." Other Indians called them Menominee (also spelled Menomini), derived from manomin--an Algonkian word for wild rice-because it is a major food source for the tribe. The Menominee lived around Green Bay when the French explorer Jean Nicolet arrived there in 1634. The French called the Menominee Folles Avoines: "the wild oats people." Prior to the coming of the French, the Menominee settled in village sites at the mouth of the Menominee River. Their main village, called Menekaunee, was located near present-day Marinette, Wisconsin.

Anonymous said...

You haven't discussed your menus; what are you guys eating, cooking? How is that going? Dining is always the challenge of road trips for me, at least trips in cars as opposed to giant vehicles like the one you are in....

p.s. re your comment about me guest-hosting blog: I have tried to do travel journals, but when I am traveling, I am a very reluctant writer. Bob ends up saying, like a parent, "Jeanne, write in your journal!" And I say, "No! I'm too tired, waah!" like all those poor students who I made write journals. It's payback.

Anonymous said...

Sarah wins the prize!!! I'm guessing Earl, but correct me if I'm wrong, I know that we have 4 or 5 Sarahs looking in.
Today's first destination is the World Famous Wall Drug, so I will procure your prize there.
Thanks for the illumination; that's exactly what I was hoping for. There have also been about 5 Rice Lakes in the 2 states!!

Jeanne, I'll let Marge fill in on the cooking, but I'm eating well!
Let's just say last night's dinner could most accurately be called "Beef Jerkinoff"...

Anonymous said...

I believe they are listing the menu, it's right there at every blog entry. Deer, Raccoon, Crow... Not things that I would normally eat but HEY... There on the road... You have to improvise!

Anonymous said...

this is a very difficult admission for me, but i failed to correctly answer the origin of "menominee(s)" in the lightning round. it is with a heavy heart that i surrender my assumed prize to the other sarah. these tests of honesty are starting to wear on me.
i have to say that before wednesday, i had no desire to drive around the country in an RV. or at least had never entertained the thought. damn you for giving me a new hunger - for life on the open road!
perhaps you should consider hyphenating milton and adding kuralt.

Anonymous said...

are you koaing all the you have reservations or do you just pick one as you travel....asp

Anonymous said...

do campgrounds have internet hook ups or how are you making this work

Anonymous said...

Bob just asked the very same question as the last commentator -- how are you guys sending this? The campsites have wireless? If so, how advanced!...

Jimbo! The roadkills! Of course! After all, they're paying so much for gas....

Anonymous said...

got lots a family round dem parts..........