Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Gaylord by Marge

It started raining the minute we started loading today, so it was wonderfully humid doing that, but I'm proud to say my estimation was not off after all. The food all fit perfectly! The rain came and went as we plodded through rush hour traffic on our way out of town. Think we saw some tornado chasers tearing down the road at one point. Did see a bit of live fauna in addition to roadkill. A red-tailed hawk (totally common) and two groups of deer, in addition to the white german shepherd and silver lab panting down our collars. Checked the "1000 places" book and according to them, the only place worth seeing in Michigan is Mackinac (pronounced mackinaw) Island hotel, where they filmed Somewhere in Time. Not gonna do that one. Even I couldn't wait for a beer tonight. Fortunately, I had anticipated this moment and picked up some Foster's oil cans. Nice way to end the day with those and an almost full moon.


Anonymous said...

I am really enjoying your blog! Can't say the same about some others I've been subjected to, lately. It's your sense of irony and other qualities, along with our sympathetic sensibilities. I am, as it happens, reading Darwin's Voyage of the Beagle. Last night I said to Bob, "This is Darwin's blog!"... Christopher: I am compiling "negative" vanity plates. Look for them for me. Examples: DPRESSED, NERD, ABUSER, LOSER, 3BRATS... Who would choose to advertise these things? Onward. Jeanne

Anonymous said...

p.s. Anonymous is ... Jeanne!

Anonymous said...

ok so this is really fun....just had jeff sims in here and we all got a chuckle out of the whole thing....keep up the flow of information....we are all having great vicarious thrills....asp