A few facts for the fearless...
In a few hours, Harve will be 15,000 days old. We are chilling the Champagne right now. Curious? Check it out:
We have driven to this point a total of 3,163 miles in 12 days. Funny as it may seem, we started heading North and East today right around 3,000 miles... I guess we've reached our apogee.
3,163 Miles
419.41 gallons of unleaded gas
$1,214.28 on the credit card - I'll fly to Am-dam for free from this trip!
$2.895 average price per gallon of gas
7.54 Miles per Gallon
We have 'collected' 43 of the 50 States License plates, currently missing: CT, DE, HA, KY, ND, RI, VT.
We have 4 Provinces of Canada (ALB, MAN, ONT, QUE), and one State from Mexico (Sonora).
Bullshit with the RV:
- Sometimes just doesn't want to turn over when starting: just keep crankin'
- Window in the door fell into the door the 3rd time we closed it: hand pressure and duct tape
- Upper cabinet hinge not secured, door opens on turns: took a screw out of something non-critical and secured it
- CO2 detector falls out of the wall and onto the floor: put it back in, too lazy to get the duct tape again
- 4 or 5 window blind mechanism blown: tore one off, just keep forcing the others into what I want them to do
- Side window rattles open during drive: curse it and close it
- Decorative valance fell off: who cares
- Gauges read false: continually worry we have too much wastewater and not enough fresh
- Oven handle loose to point of falling off: tightened it
- Antenna crank leaked in storm: moved our stuff and let the shit rot
- Sewer hose leaked then separated: cursed like a sailor, went to the Kampground store, bought all new fittings and fixed that shit - pun intended... (this was on the baking parking lot, so no grass to hose your mistake off into, just let it bake dry - ugghhh...
Harve is collecting tacky fridge magnets from each stop, here's a sample...(the RV fridge is plastic, so I had to stick them to the hood...
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